Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wunderlich House Concert!

Just the other day... I perched on my chair, and realized I was on the edge, leaning forward to catch every single note as it floated by...in the dining room, peering into the living room at Ruth Wunderlich's...and on her impromptu stage...Karen Mal, sweet, petite..gorgeous and professional in the center, to her left the ever so handsome folk artist, Ken Gaines...and on her right, Butch Morgan, glowing smile... Karen played his straight man so well! It was an amazing performance...showing each off to their individual strengths. Butch is a showman, an entertainment pro...with a wealth of songs (and CD's..buy one right here!) to draw from...Ken, again the professional, with the generosity of heart to share his voice and guitar with Karen...and Karen Mal, my first time to hear her show!

When I was Three my first favorite of Mal's songs, just so tender live and in the quiet of respectful house concert audience...I just love that moment after a song like that...before the applause, as the song seeps into you...Gaines shows his folk roots, the story in the song, right or wrong to be decided, great verse in his rich voice, the melding of Mal's and his voices just so just right...add in Butch's guitar and his ability to make the song live enough for laughter, it was a perfect combination! After the break, Will Taylor from Strings Attached arrived, fresh and funny from working a wedding...and added that violin to the mix, who thought it could even get better?

Standing ovation at the end! well deserved and brought us another couple of songs...with Mal starting Good night Irene and ending it with all joining in ...including, did I hear Grace Pettis? the angel voice floating from the audience?

A special treat kind of night all the way around! Thank you Ruth!

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